The state and economic convergence in Central and Eastern Europe between 2004 and 2023
Győrffy Dóra
Year LXXII., 2025. February (117 - 140. page) , Study -
Does the presence of female decision-makers improve the crisis resilience of female employees?
(Gender homophily during she-cession)
Tőkés László
Year LXXII., 2025. February (141 - 157. page) , Study -
A priori voting power in the Council of the European Union
(The impact of demographic shifts on the council s decision-making)
Hatvani Ákos — Petróczy Dóra Gréta
Year LXXII., 2025. February (158 - 177. page) , Study -
Economic modelling of the competitiveness of small urban renewable district heating
Kerekes Lajos — Mezősi András
Year LXXII., 2025. February (178 - 202. page) , Study -
Modern monetary theory and the frameworks of economic policy
Botos Katalin
Year LXXII., 2025. February (203 - 213. page) , Essay
Előkészületben, szerkesztés alatt