Here you can find the articles of the Economic Review published since 1995. Only articles older than three months can be downloaded.

The state and economic convergence in Central and Eastern Europe between 2004 and 2023
Győrffy Dóra
Year LXXII., 2025. February (117 - 140. page) , Study -
Does the presence of female decision-makers improve the crisis resilience of female employees?
(Gender homophily during she-cession)
Tőkés László
Year LXXII., 2025. February (141 - 157. page) , Study -
A priori voting power in the Council of the European Union
(The impact of demographic shifts on the council s decision-making)
Hatvani Ákos — Petróczy Dóra Gréta
Year LXXII., 2025. February (158 - 177. page) , Study -
Economic modelling of the competitiveness of small urban renewable district heating
Kerekes Lajos — Mezősi András
Year LXXII., 2025. February (178 - 202. page) , Study -
Modern monetary theory and the frameworks of economic policy
Botos Katalin
Year LXXII., 2025. February (203 - 213. page) , Essay -
László Gyula: 30 years of Hungarian employment policy objectives and instruments: 1990-2020
Munkácsy Ferenc
Year LXXII., 2025. February (214 - 219. page) , Book review -
Labour market activity beyond retirement age
Bárdits Anna — Bíró Anikó — Elek Péter — Krekó Judit
Year LXXII., 2025. January (1 - 19. page) , Study -
The impact of sanction announcements on the prices of various crude oils in the shadow of war
Kelemen Hunor — Kökény László
Year LXXII., 2025. January (20 - 49. page) , Study -
Mid-term evolution of the labour market status of mothers with young children in the post-COVID-19 pandemic period
Szabó-Morvai Ágnes — Vonnák Dzsamila
Year LXXII., 2025. January (50 - 58. page) , Study -
The road to qualitative growth: Revisiting the concept of degrowth
Kovács Olivér
Year LXXII., 2025. January (59 - 91. page) , Study -
Technology in Strategy Creation, or the Revival of the Harvard School
Mészáros Tamás — Nagy-Borsy Viktor
Year LXXII., 2025. January (92 - 111. page) , Review -
The influence of economics on good governance
Lónyay Menyhért
Year LXXI., 2024. December (1309 - 1324. page) , -
The cost estimation of a middle-term Hungarian pension reform
Simonovits András
Year LXXI., 2024. December (1325 - 1350. page) , Study -
Institutional concentration and innovation networks
Csizmadia Péter — Fehérvölgyi Beáta — Hausz Frigyes — Kosztyán Zsolt Tibor
Year LXXI., 2024. December (1351 - 1380. page) , Study -
Factors influencing the preparation of the post-2027 EU budget framework
Kengyel Ákos
Year LXXI., 2024. December (1381 - 1405. page) , Study -
Publication Prizes of the Committee for Economic Sciences, Division IX of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences - 2023
Heidrich Balázs — Keszey Tamara — Wimmer Ágnes
Year LXXI., 2024. December (1406 - 1409. page) , Bulletin -
Várhegyi Éva: A bankrendszer elfoglalása. Hogyan állítja szolgálatába a bankokat a politikai hatalom? (The occupation of the banking system. How does political power put banks at its service?
Antalóczy Katalin
Year LXXI., 2024. December (1410 - 1421. page) , Book review -
The scientific legacy of Attila Varga
Sebestyén Tamás — Szerb László
Year LXXI., 2024. November (1117 - 1122. page) , Foreword -
Jaffe-Feldman-Varga: the search for knowledge spillovers
Ács J. Zoltán
Year LXXI., 2024. November (1123 - 1140. page) , Study -
The impact of reindustrialization on the convergence paths of Hungarian regions
Lengyel Imre — Vas Zsófia
Year LXXI., 2024. November (1176 - 1198. page) , Study -
Research cooperation between universities and companies in local knowledge production
Bilicz Dávid — Braun Erik — Iloskics Zita — Sebestyén Tamás
Year LXXI., 2024. November (1199 - 1221. page) , Study -
Assessing the regional impacts of policies to develop entrepreneurial ecosystems in three EU countries
Sebestyén Tamás — Szabó Norbert — Szerb László — Varga Attila
Year LXXI., 2024. November (1141 - 1175. page) , Study -
Measuring local resilience with a spatial computable general equilibrium model
Bedő Zsolt — Braun Emese — Sebestyén Tamás — Szabó Norbert
Year LXXI., 2024. November (1222 - 1253. page) , Study -
Digital entrepreneurship ecosystems in the Carpathian-Balkan region
Komlósi Éva — Madár Miklós
Year LXXI., 2024. November (1254 - 1279. page) , Study -
Universities at the service of regional development
Erdős Katalin
Year LXXI., 2024. November (1280 - 1302. page) , Study -
Public expenditure under populist governments in Central and Eastern Europe
Benczes István — Szijártó Norbert
Year LXXI., 2024. October (1001 - 1031. page) , Study -
Examining the effect of EU sanctions using the event study methodology
Fűrész Diána Ivett — Kiss Dorina — Rappai Gábor
Year LXXI., 2024. October (1032 - 1052. page) , Study -
The potential economic benefits of improving the domestic child protection system
Szombath Kitti — Varga Erzsébet Teréz
Year LXXI., 2024. October (1053 - 1078. page) , Study -
Corporate energy efficiency in practice. Lessons from a small sample analysis in Hungary
Jóna László — Szemerédi Eszter
Year LXXI., 2024. October (1079 - 1099. page) , Workshop -
Report from the macroanalysts forum, 2024 - panel discussion 62nd Economist s Annual Conference, 2024.
Laczkó Tihamér
Year LXXI., 2024. October (1100 - 1112. page) , Bulletin -
Controls in municipal borrowing in Hungary - A decade of experience
Pocsai Erzsébet — Vasvári Tamás
Year LXXI., 2024. September (881 - 914. page) , Study -
The relationship between capital structure and market value in the domestic small and medium-sized enterprise sector
Takács András
Year LXXI., 2024. September (915 - 929. page) , Study -
Growth and sustainability beyond GDP": an empirical analysis of the Dasgupta model
Kovács Antal Ferenc
Year LXXI., 2024. September (930 - 956. page) , Study -
Sectoral features of innovation ecosystems and an opportunity for classification
Fehérvölgyi Beáta — Háry András — Kovács Zoltán — Tóth Csilla
Year LXXI., 2024. September (957 - 987. page) , Workshop -
Lost illusions - Hungarys 20 years in the European Union
(András Bíró-Nagy- Gergő Medve-Bálint (eds.): 20 years in the EU: taking stock of Hungarys membership)
Győrffy Dóra
Year LXXI., 2024. September (988 - 996. page) , Book review -
Geographical and gender pay gaps in career paths
Ilyés Virág — Kiss Károly Miklós — Lőrincz László — Varga Kinga
Year LXXI., 2024. July (701 - 727. page) , Study -
Labour force flows in Hungary 2002-2021 based on comprehensive administrative data
Erdélyi Levente — Szabó Lajos Tamás
Year LXXI., 2024. July (728 - 754. page) , Study -
Online visibility - A new aspect of measuring the performance of Hungarian higher education institutions
Horváth Zsófia — Neszveda Gábor
Year LXXI., 2024. July (755 - 790. page) , Study -
Football World Cup quota distribution with pairwise comparisons
Csató László — Kiss László Marcell — Szádoczki Zsombor
Year LXXI., 2024. July (791 - 806. page) , Study -
The Western Balkans and the unconventional" expansion of the euro area
Bod Péter Ákos — Neszmélyi György Iván
Year LXXI., 2024. July (807 - 832. page) , Study -
Population aging and redistribution in a pension system
Simonovits András
Year LXXI., 2024. July (833 - 849. page) , Study -
Financial capabilities and the financial situation of Roma families living in extreme poverty and spatial segregation
Kosztopulosz Andreász — Málovics György — Méreiné Berki Boglárka
Year LXXI., 2024. July (850 - 874. page) , Workshop -
The National Bank of Hungary
Domány Gyula
Year LXXI., 2024. June (585 - 603. page) , -
Possibilities and limits of banking regulation in the endogenous money theory framework - the banks soft budget contstraint
Mérő Katalin — Ábel István
Year LXXI., 2024. June (604 - 623. page) , Study -
Local intersectoral linkages: hybrid input-output tables in the Pécs City Region
Bilicz Hanga Lilla — Szabó Norbert
Year LXXI., 2024. June (624 - 652. page) , Study -
The role of mortgage energy efficiency in the probability of default and in determining capital requirements
Gróf Gyula — Sárvári Balázs — Várgedő Bálint
Year LXXI., 2024. June (653 - 670. page) , Study -
The causes and background to the 2021-2023 surge in inflation
Balatoni András — Quittner Péter
Year LXXI., 2024. June (671 - 689. page) , Economic Policy Analyses -
What has the EU given us?
(Report on the workshop held at Mathias Corvinus Collegium)
Aranyi-Aszalós Vivien — Pogácsás Péter — Szepesi Balázs
Year LXXI., 2024. June (690 - 696. page) , Bulletin -
Twenty years later. A foreword
Halm Tamás
Year LXXI., 2024. May (481 - 482. page) , Foreword -
The future of European regional integration
(Dilemmas of governance and redistribution)
Balázs Péter
Year LXXI., 2024. May (483 - 494. page) , Study -
Has the Europeaun Union remained an unfulfilled promise?
Csaba László
Year LXXI., 2024. May (495 - 511. page) , Study -
Deep-integration Paradigm
Halmai Péter
Year LXXI., 2024. May (514 - 558. page) , Study -
Memories from the first years of Hungary s membership in the European Union
Iván Gábor
Year LXXI., 2024. May (559 - 582. page) , Study -
Segregation in primary schools and the social inequalities in test results in Hungary
Hermann Zoltán — Kertesi Gábor — Varga Júlia
Year LXXI., 2024. April (353 - 378. page) , Study -
Cloth for wine. Fragments from the history of a non-trivial but true" economic doctrine
Madarász Aladár
Year LXXI., 2024. April (379 - 407. page) , Study -
The metamorphosis of resilience
Kovács Olivér
Year LXXI., 2024. April (408 - 443. page) , Essay -
Assessing the development and efficiency of public procurement in Hungary
Juhász Péter — Tátrai Tünde
Year LXXI., 2024. April (444 - 463. page) , Workshop -
Report from the Forecasters Forum
Laczkó Tihamér
Year LXXI., 2024. April (464 - 476. page) , Bulletin -
Management practices and changes in turnover of domestic firms during the Covid-19 economic shock
Czakó Erzsébet — Kiss-Dobronyi Bence — Losonci Dávid
Year LXXI., 2024. March (229 - 254. page) , Study -
The consumer profile of producer markets: an analysis of the literature
Czine Péter — Jámbor Zsófia — Maró Gréta — Maró Zalán Márk — Török Áron
Year LXXI., 2024. March (255 - 274. page) , Study -
Corporate behaviour - corporate environment
(The story of research methodology)
Laki Mihály
Year LXXI., 2024. March (275 - 324. page) , Retrospective -
Motivational differences between fans of Hungarian football clubs
Balogh Renátó — Bácsné Bába Éva
Year LXXI., 2024. March (325 - 343. page) , Workshop -
Benczes István (ed.): Economic policies of populist leaders: A Central and Eastern European Perspective
Tankovsky Oleg
Year LXXI., 2024. March (344 - 349. page) , Book review -
Impact assessment of subsidised loans in Hungary
Telegdy Álmos — Tóth Gábor
Year LXXI., 2024. February (113 - 130. page) , Study -
Industry policy in a portfolio-theory approach
Bethlendi András
Year LXXI., 2024. February (131 - 153. page) , Study -
Share repurchases instead of dividend payments?
(The evolution of payout policies and possible reasons for the prominence of share repurchases)
Szládek Dániel
Year LXXI., 2024. February (154 - 175. page) , Study -
Outsourcing strategies and the learning effect in the semiconductor industry
Hauck Zsuzsanna — Longauer Dóra — Vasvári Tamás
Year LXXI., 2024. February (176 - 200. page) , Study -
European banks implementation of IFRS 9 in the shadow of the pandemic
Cziglerné Erb Edina — Pasitka Ármin — Szücs Tamás — Várkonyi Patrik
Year LXXI., 2024. February (201 - 222. page) , Workshop -
Attila Varga, 1958-2023
Szerb László
Year LXXI., 2024. January (1 - 4. page) , -
International comparison of deaths before and excess deaths during the COVID pandemic
Lackó Mária
Year LXXI., 2024. January (5 - 21. page) , Study