The address, telephone numbers and e-mail of the publishing house
The publisher of the Economic Review is the Economic Review Foundation.
The headquarters of the Foundation: Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 78., Budapest, H-1055
Mailing address: 1245 Budapest, Pf. 1044
Telephon: +36 1 331 6906
Fax: +36 1 302 1798
Mobil: +36 30 527 1497
About the Foundation, the founders, curators and members of the supervising committee
The Economic Review Foundation was established in 1991 by the Commerce and Credit Bank Hungary and the Hungarian National Bank with the primary purpose of supporting the publication of the Economic Review. Further aims comprised in the deed of foundation are: publication of special issues and books, organisation and financing of conferences.
The Foundation opened up, both legal and private persons may join it. Members of the advisory board of the Economic Review Foundation:
Tamás Halm, chairman of the advisory board,
Zoltán Ádám, György Kocziszky, Balázs Pálosi-Németh, Ödön Sok
Members of the supervising committee: Kristóf Lehmann, Ferenc Munkácsy, Éva Voszka (chairman)